The Brave One
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM
Iona Holloway

Strong and smart people don’t finish first—brave ones do. But fear, perfectionism, and self-criticism can block you from living your version of a brave life.

Hosted by BMC’s Women in Sales Network, this blunt and heartfelt session will teach attendees how to become the bravest person in the room using Iona’s signature 5-step Brave One Method. Called "inspiring, relatable, and incredible" by previous attendees, this is one session you won't want to miss if you're looking not only for a career boost, but a life boost. Someone in your life needs a braver version of you to exist and we get braver, together: everyone is welcome to attend. Thank you to our sponsors NimbusNow and VPMA for sponsoring this impactful session!